Last Thursday, Our Class of 2021 candidates both Primary and Secondary, enjoyed a special meal organised by the school get-together session was mainly to nurture the relationship amongst themselves and their teachers and inspire for their forthcoming exams wish them the best in their Exams

Technology will always be there to save a day. Thanks to GOOGLE CLASSROOM service offered by google that embraces paperless learning inside and outside the classroom. Last week our secondary teachers had a SESSION on how to go about #googleclassroom, i think they enjoyed it and visualized the importance of #googleclassroom in these TIMES where learning in classes have been halted almost the whole world. Till date teachers have been conducting the lessons online through #googleclassroom TO KEEP THE LEARNERS in line with the syllabus and revision topics at large. KUDOS TEACHERS 👏KUDOS GOOGLE 💡KUDOS LEARNERS ✍️ #QubaaMuslimSchool #mombasa #stayhome #covid_19 #google